December 1, 2023

Redeployable is Startup of the Year

We’re pretty proud of this one. 

Heropreneurs is a charity on a mission to empower new entrepreneurs from the military community to achieve their business ambitions. We’re a veteran-founded and run start-up, so we fit the bill. 

Plus, they focus on companies that are on a mission to create sustainable companies that contribute to the good of society. Our mission is to maximise the potential of the military community, empowering them to lead incredible new careers. 

We were chuffed to be shortlisted

On the 13th of November, along with over 100 others, we headed to The Shard in London for the annual Heropreneurs Awards. We joined mentors, mentees, nominees, keynote speakers, guests and the Heropreneurs team. 

We took home Start-Up of the Year

It’s an award that is intended to highlight a new company that has shown exceptional potential, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit. 

We were given this award because of the platform and matching technology we’ve created, which we use to pair veterans with jobs in civilian industries. It’s about translating their skills so they can have a thriving, lucrative next career. 

“Redeployable has turned a vision into a thriving reality and showcased their potential to become industry game-changers.” - Heropreneurs 

We couldn’t be prouder of our team and that we’ve been recognised for the contribution that we’re trying to make to the military community.  

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We’re pretty proud of this one. 

Heropreneurs is a charity on a mission to empower new entrepreneurs from the military community to achieve their business ambitions. We’re a veteran-founded and run start-up, so we fit the bill. 

Plus, they focus on companies that are on a mission to create sustainable companies that contribute to the good of society. Our mission is to maximise the potential of the military community, empowering them to lead incredible new careers. 

We were chuffed to be shortlisted

On the 13th of November, along with over 100 others, we headed to The Shard in London for the annual Heropreneurs Awards. We joined mentors, mentees, nominees, keynote speakers, guests and the Heropreneurs team. 

We took home Start-Up of the Year

It’s an award that is intended to highlight a new company that has shown exceptional potential, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit. 

We were given this award because of the platform and matching technology we’ve created, which we use to pair veterans with jobs in civilian industries. It’s about translating their skills so they can have a thriving, lucrative next career. 

“Redeployable has turned a vision into a thriving reality and showcased their potential to become industry game-changers.” - Heropreneurs 

We couldn’t be prouder of our team and that we’ve been recognised for the contribution that we’re trying to make to the military community.  

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