April 4, 2024

What does the community launch mean for you?

If you’re part of our movement, then there’s a spot for you on the new Redeployable. 

“The strongest part of the military community is the community itself. We’re here to bring together the highest performing veterans so they (and we) can share knowledge, network and accelerate our careers.” Ben Read, Redeployable CEO & Founder

The benefits to you

It’s a privilege to be a part of a community, you'll know that from your time serving. The Redeployable community is only for career-driven individuals, so you'll feel the same sort of belonging as you once did.

But in practical, personal-growth-and-incredible-career-terms, it has tons of benefits:

As for joining the new Redeployable community, these are the perks:

👥 Growing your network. Use our community to connect with like-minded professionals. You never know where they might lead…collaborations, recommendations, mentorships or, yes, jobs with your name on.

📣 Sharpening your communication skills. As an active member of our community, you’ll want to use your voice. People will appreciate you for speaking up, sharing concerns, asking questions and adding value. They’ll also call you out for pointless ramblings or rants.

💡 Learning all the time. Our community will expose you to new ideas and unexpected trends, best practices and different perspectives. New information by osmosis.

🔦 Boosting your visibility. A community of super-engaged people surrounding you and your work can expand your reach and lift your industry profile. Opportunities could come from surprising new angles.

🤔 Getting valuable feedback. Other members may offer great comments and pointers to help you refine your skills or go about projects with a fresh approach.

✅ Knowing what’s tried and tested. It’s good to know that certain resources – say, events or authors, websites or webinars – are approved by someone who’s been there, got the benefits and given the thumbs up.

🔎 Making it easier to find a job. Our community will be linked to our job-matching service, so you can find all those roles that suit your skills, interests and experience.

It's career changing. But how does it work?

Henry Dockerty's the man behind the new Redeployable, so we’ve put some questions to him that we hope will answer yours.

How many people can I expect to meet in my skills collective?

A lot! The aim is to give you a focused network of career-driven people who can support each other in specific skill and function areas.

What sorts of tools and resources will I be able to use?

We’re talking webinars and podcasts, events (both virtual and in person), tech tutorials, great reads, company insights, find-a-mentor…so many useful things.

Can I invite other people, including non-members of Redeployable?

Yes. As long as they’re serving or ex-members of the armed forces – reservists too – you can ask them to join the gang. We hope you do!

Is it free to join a skills collective?

Yep. There’s no cost involved. We only ask that you give in the way of support for your fellow members. Your experience is valuable.

How is this community better than others out there?

Redeployable and the skills collectives within it are much more refined than other business groups – they’re bespoke to veterans and tailored for our shared mindset. We cut through the noise of wider-reaching networks.

Also, we have lots of clients who specifically want to hire ex-military people because they recognise our unique skills, and so they only advertise with us. You simply won’t see some of these roles on other job boards or networking sites.

Finally, you know you’ll find precisely the type of guidance you want from this community. Your engagement is completely personalised and, remember, these are your people. They’re genuinely motivated to help you on your journey because they know what it’s like to transition to civvy life.

Sound good to you? Join the early-bird waiting list and be the first to hear when we launch this month! Click here.

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